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Welcome to 8 Bit Ape, a blog dedicated to opinions and discussions on gaming.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The IGN Last Guardian Controversy: An Update (Please Read)

I would just like to update you all that IGN has issued an apology about the whole Last Guardian misinformation fiasco. IGN Editor in Chief Steve Butts has apologized, taken responsibility for the error, and shown steps that will be taken to prevent this from happening again. He also explained what happened to make the false claims about The Last Guardian being cancelled.

In a post I wrote today, I criticized IGN for making said claims and am thankful that they owned up to it. Hopefully this shows IGN and other gaming sites that treating reports as facts will not be tolerated by gamers. Since IGN did the respectable thing and owned up to it, I will not be boycotting IGN this week, and you should know IGN is an option for viewing E3 coverage.

E3 starts in just over 12 hours! Keep up to date with the blog's twitter @8bitapeblog for my latest impressions of what's revealed. I will be writing several posts throughout the week to explore it in-depth, so stay tuned. Enjoy E3 everybody. And, as always, thanks for visiting 8-Bit Ape.

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