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Welcome to 8 Bit Ape, a blog dedicated to opinions and discussions on gaming.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Introducing Throwback Reviews

I am trying my hardest to put out more posts for everyone but I simply always don't have the time, especially with reviews. So I came up with a little solution. That solution is Throwback Reviews. Throwback Reviews are reviews that give me a chance to express my opinion on some older titles. I could review a game released a year ago or 15 years ago, it doesn't matter. And I hope you enjoy reading these reviews and that they give you a sense of nostalgia or maybe convince you to buy or not a certain classic.

The review will be very similar to what I do already with reviews. I will talk about the game and then issue a verdict on the same scoring scale. I can do these reviews during some times when there doesn't seem to be anything to talk about, so I hope this gets you to come back to the site during those times. I may also do it in the buildup to a new release. For example, in the week leading up to the Uncharted 4 release, I will put up reviews of the games in the series. In addition to giving you my thoughts on some earlier games, I will address what needs to be fixed in order for the next game to be a masterpiece.

Please also let me know what you may want me to review. I am one person, and I won't be able to get to everything but I will consider every request. Suggest your games either in the comments or tweet @8bitapeblog on Twitter your suggestion. I will start either this week or next week with my review of The Last of Us since the PS4 version is coming out. Stay tuned! And, as always, thanks for visiting 8-Bit Ape.

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